Our Team

Founder's Message

From Footprint to Forefront

A Legacy of Responsibility-Our founder Shailendra Singh Rao’s message is a powerful call to action. Reminding us that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us an incredible gift: a nurturing environment. We must ensure its health for future generations. “The climate transitions have been very detrimental,” says the founder. “As environmental warriors, we at CREDUCE are committed to mitigating the social and environmental burdens of climate change.” Our strategies and policies are designed to make a unique contribution to this crucial battle.

Shailendra Singh Rao

Our Team


Shailendra Singh Rao
Founder & MD
Vishwaraj Singh Rao

Leadership Team

Subodh Kumar Pandey
President Marketing
Jeegnesh Vasavada
Strategic Head
Neha Singh
Head CRM & HR
Kishan Prajapati
AVP : Business Development

Management Team

Gyanesh Prajapati
AVP : RE Businesses
Sanjay Panchal
Head Accounts & Finance
Natasha Rathore
Lead Operations
Mihir Prajapati
General Manager